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Losing your eyesight, you become alienated from things.

Losing your hearing, you become alienated from people.



(Medical Device License Number 05-945)


(Medical Device License Number 08-401)

TSC Hearing Aid



What is hearing loss?
To put it simply, it means the difficulty in hearing sounds, but there are various sounds.
Such sounds include voices of people or sounds of nature such as chirping of mountain birds and sounds of flowing water, TV sounds, radio sounds, loudspeakers, noise from machinery, and annoying roars and crashes. They are all sounds in collective terms, but..


Tinnitus refers to the sound from the ear in a word.
If there is no sound around, there should be no sound from the ears, but there is no sound around, but there is sound from the ears.
But it doesn’t last even a second. Patients constantly listen to tinnitus.
And as the sound grows bigger, as time goes by, Patients can hear several tinnitus.


What is sudden hearing loss?
It means that, literally, you have had no problem with hearing sounds around you, but your hearing suddenly disappeared this morning.
One reassuring thing is that it mostly (98%) occurs in one ear.
Sudden hearing loss in both ears hardly occurs, but about 1% of such cases happen.


No 5. Improving tinnitus – Tinnitus to find exactly ??

Pinpointing the malfunctioning antenna is the key. Each patient of tinnitus hears a different noise. Two patients may have the same antenna that’s out of order, but if that's not the case, they will experience different noises. Some say that they hear...

No 4. Improving tinnitus – TSC is the only answer.

Greetings everyone! Thanks for taking time to visit Soribaksa - Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Improvement Center. As previously mentioned, more and more people are suffering from tinnitus and hearing loss due to the barrage of noise in our daily life. But...

No 3. Improving tinnitus – Sound is the cure!

I hear ringing sounds and you can cure it with sounds? Does that even make any sense? That's what many people ask us when they hear that we can improve tinnitus with sounds. That is true. Soribaksa - Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Improvement Center can improve...

No 2. Improving tinnitus – How to remove the noise?

Greetings everyone! Thanks for taking time to visit Soribaksa - Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Improvement Center. Those of you who read the posts after taking interest in the causes of tinnitus and hearing loss now have some ideas about this frustrating...

No 1. Improving tinnitus – Is it even possible?

Greetings everyone!Thanks for taking time to visit Soribaksa - Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Improvement Center.The center is true to its name, serving as a real specialist in tinnitus and hearing loss. The name of an organization should be based on clear...

소리박사 : 대전광역시 중구 대사동 640-7