Pinpointing the malfunctioning antenna is the key.

Each patient of tinnitus hears a different noise.

Two patients may have the same antenna that’s out of order, but if that’s not the case, they will experience different noises.

Some say that they hear winds, and some say that they hear crickets or even whistling — it means there’s a difference in ringing noises.

Thus, pinpointing the malfunctioning antenna is the key.

If only the patient can precisely identify the noise, it is no exaggeration to say that the possibility of improving the tinnitus is higher than 90%. And no one else except the patient can hear the noise.

When a patient of tinnitus comes to Soribaksa – Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Improvement Center, we play diverse noises similar to the ringing noise of a tinnitus patient with our REVE134, the ringing noise identification device, so that the patient can find the noise closest to the one he/she is hearing.

Some patients have great auditory sense and manage to find the noise with just one attempt, but others have some difficulty.

Still, even those with poor auditory sense can find the right noise after a couple of attempts.

Even if they fail to find the noise, we also have the 67-band precise hearing test to identify the malfunctioning antenna; thus, there’s no need to worry.

If the patient fails to find the right ringing noise, we can use the results of precise hearing test to find the malfunctioning antenna and repeatedly play the sound from its frequency to improve the hearing of the patient (I’ll provide details about this later).

Again, you only need to find the right ringing noise with REVE134 to identify the malfunctioning antenna in order to eliminate tinnitus.


Does combined tinnitus take longer to improve?

That’s true. Actually quite longer than simple tinnitus.

Combined tinnitus literally means having multiple ringing noises. Sounds of wind, cricket, cicada, and vibrating weather strip are being played in the patient’s ears.

It is quite rare for the symptoms of a tinnitus patient to be manifold from the beginning. They mostly start with only one ringing noise.

But other noises are added as the tinnitus progresses – the details of which I’ll provide later, too.

One of the patients coming to Soribaksa – Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Improvement Center had a total of 10 noises in both ears combined.

Such patients are highly unlikely to find the exact ringing noise that they are hearing.

When only one musical instrument is being played, we can identify which one that is; when multiple instruments such as saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, piano, and accordion are played simultaneously without a visual of the performance, however, we will have some difficulty knowing which ones are being played, especially if we have poor auditory sense.

Combined tinnitus cannot be improved at once.

The noises need to be eliminated one by one.

If a single noise requires one month to remove and a patient has 5 noises, it will take at least 5 months.

The ringing noise does not get reduced gradually.

They just disappear abruptly, like a radio losing power after staying on for a while.

A patient with 5 noises can’t find the exact noise until 4 of them are removed.

It’s like the noises are hiding in a choir.

But the patient said that the noises died away considerably after about 4 months. Which is wrong since the ringing noise of tinnitus suddenly goes away as if a radio has been turned off.

The patient felt like that because 4 noises were gone.

He later managed to identify the one remaining noise.

What kept him from identifying it before?

Because multiple noises were hidden in a choir.

And when only one noise was left, we could identify the corresponding malfunctioning antenna and fix it.

He missed about a month’s treatment for personal reasons, but all the noises were finally removed after about 6 months’ training.

Eliminating combined ringing noises requires time and patience.

Please keep that in mind if you are suffering from combined tinnitus.