What is Tinnitus?

Can tinnitus be a good sign that our body is sending?

Tinnitus is the signal that our body is sending to let us know that hearing loss may occur if tinnitus continues.

There are many reasons for tinnitus and hearing loss.

The excessive exposure to noise pollution, stress, or fatigue could be one of the reasons.

Tinnitus is a signal for help that there is something wrong with your health that it needs to be checked out.

The sound that only you can hear.

Tinnitus is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present.

The word is originated from Latin word “tinnire” and it means to ring or tinkle.

Some people explain this sound as a clicking, hiss or roaring. The sound may be soft or loud, low pitched or high pitched depends where the sound is coming from.


Tinnitus occurrence of hearing loss

Minimum rates


Tinnitus occurrence of hearing loss

Maximum rates

Kind of tinnitus

Not all hearing loss patients have tinnitus.

There are different types of tinnitus depend on where it’s occurring; it could be occurring where high-pitched tone is heard or low-pitched tone is heard inside the cochlea.

The low pitched tone of tinnitus is only heard when it’s very quiet, so it is hard for one to notice it if he/she is surrounded by loud noises.

However, it is annoying and painful if tinnitus becomes louder and higher pitch.

Unfortunately, the high pitched sound of tinnitus can be perceived even in a loud environment.

Those people who suffer from this are in pain all day long. Because of the pain they are in, they also may suffer from insomnia, fatigue, or depression.

“The area of sound that a person can hear is between 254 and 11,840 Hz.
These 134 antennas are distributed among each other.”

The cause of tinnitus; disorder of auditory hair cells and auditory nerve Sam Kwak, the founder/CEO of Reve-134, and who has discovered a great solution for curing hearing loss/tinnitus says that tinnitus is finding the right pair of sound.

Tinnitus may be caused due to a malfunction of the auditory hair cell in one of the antennas.

When the auditory cell does not respond to a sound, it sends a signal to the auditory nerve to notify that the connection between them is weakening.

When this happens, a person begins hearing sound in their ears that does not actually exist.

It becomes more noticeable when the sound gets louder.